Your God, Not Mine

I’m tired of thou shall not offend

Breathe & Be Still
4 min readJun 25, 2022
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Just think how much healthier we’d be if we practiced meditation rather than worship a deity — a way of being with ourselves for the good of all humanity as opposed to a script that tells us how to be, what to think, and who is most deserving of love — we make God out to whom we want to be.

When we conceive of God as an ideal as opposed to a ‘reality’ there is far more flexibility to question our own beliefs. We then begin to see our own projections and the risks inherent in such narratives of duality.

God can be worn like a shield — a barricade from parts we wish not see — to be placed on others for whom we can blame — an unconscious pathway, routing escape from our own duplicity.

I have never written of religion as the secrets taught — throughout history — tell us not to question this unknown authority. So I (and others like me) keep our concerns quietly — not to disrupt the fragile ones — unable to maintain equilibrium in such uncertainty.

Though I have grown tired of mouth shut — keep it to yourself — mentality as my body, once again, is casted off as property, for a God I never did believe to be. Freedom is not something set in stone — there are always those who feel the right to own another’s destiny.

Breathe & Be Still ©2022

A friend of mine recently had a very serious medical emergency. After experiencing a lot of pain she went to the ER and found out she had 2 very large tumors growing on one of her ovaries (plus) fluid was detected in her body (which could not be explained — possibly the tumors were seeping — was one working theory!!!). They discharged her and instructed her to meet with her Dr. immediately and to schedule surgery for that same week. There was no time for Dr. shopping at this point.

My friend has already given birth to the 2 (and only 2) children she desires to have (hence the IUD) and with a substantial family history of ovarian, cervical, and breast cancer she told the Dr. she wanted the ovary removed. With one ovary still in-tact she could live this way without medication. We just so happen to have a mutual friend living with one ovary (as she is a survivor of childhood ovarian cancer) and in adulthood was able to give brith to 3 healthy children.

The Dr. though, would not honor my friend’s medical wishes to remove the ovary as my friend is still in her prime reproductive years (well, not exactly prime, but still, it could happen). This is clearly a value judgment and not a medical one. And these are the rights that women in America are losing — the right to make medical decisions for their very own bodies. Don’t believe in abortion — great — never get one. But you and your God have no right to make choices over my body.

So let’s just get to the bottom line here. The ending of Roe v. Wade is about who gets to control reproduction (not about saving an unborn life). Just read the Book of Genesis to see man’s yearning desire to eradicate the female from her natural throne of life giving breath. Man was born from a vagina not a woman from a man’s rib. This creation myth is nothing more than a script for man to subjugate women.

There is a death to be mourned here for sure and it is the death of democracy, the death of equality, and a burial march to be held for the long lost American spirit that once forged the way forward. We have fallen so far backwards it seems we have no other avenue to pursue but self-immolation. Separation of Church and State has been under attack for some time and has now, officially, been put to death. As a non-believer I am terrified.

Though we should all be terrified because as we have such ample evidence throughout human history the notion of God has been used to manipulate and control the masses. The believers scurry ahead in their exuberance, corralling those around them to join in their beloved cages until one day they turn around and see the gates have been locked and the promise land once promised has become a hell and the prophet, just a man, who rapes little girls and sells them off as cattle.

